Courage- the hallmark of a successful manager

As a manger, of an organization or your life, you ought to take a silent creed to be courageous at all times, even daring unprecedented adversity. You must be willing to be honest; speaking  the truth at all times and to everyone who is entitled to the information. Always have a sense of judgment and occasion knowing when, how and to whom to be courageous- trust me, the Bata advert of a kid’s courage to a lion doesn’t work. Exercise courage with wisdom and not with pride and vanity. Courage should show itself in the willingness to build strong relationships; possess the courage to commit and trust. Empower others and motivate them to become courageous leaders who’ll objectively point out when the things are not working right. You are a courageous manager is capable of letting the king know that he is naked, but even more courageous if you happen to be the king in question. Courage is shown by the structures you are willing to impose to ensure team and individual control. You can’t allow things to run amok just to look good. Your zeal and drive demonstrates your courage. This is characterized by willingness to set and attempt demanding objectives which you cannot achieve unless you are willing to inspire, generate energy driving adversity to create a strong sense of hope. A cowardly manager reprimands people via email or leave harsh messages on their voice mail. But even when you face them, you focus on their dignity rather than the issue at hand. If you avoid constructive disagreements in a vain attempt to be everything to everybody all the time then you lack the requisite courage for that job. If you are automatically put off by bright people whom you perceive as your juniors and find obvious faults in them like they talk “too much” or they are “show-offs”, you are fearful. It is surprising how people fear responsibility even that of taking hold of their destiny- Confront your fears. Whereas everyone has their fears and uncertainties, courage is the understanding of the sources of the fears and embarking on a journey to fix them. On this journey, you will find the requisite courage of a successful manager.

Now you Know, Act!

(This article is build on an excerpt of an article written by David Muturi- Director of KIM from which the titled is also fetched)

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Pursue Excellence

Pursue Excellence.

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Pursue Excellence

Anyone willing to rise above the average must have a global perspective or rather a village perspective for the global village we live in. This does not come by accident, exposure is essential and realization that being rigid only adds up to mediocrity. Passion is key, if not the master key. Don’t desire to excel in a field you have no passion for; it’s like being on the top  of a ladder only to realize that it is leaning on the wrong wall. Initiative is the evidence of purpose just as pursuit is the evidence of passion. The best time to take initiative is now, today is too long or else you can give it a try tomorrow and you’ll only realize it was too late when listening to some hit rock music on your deathbed. Hardwork and commitment coupled with passion will always produce great results.

Now you know, act!

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Love Sex & Dating | Am I crazy for waiting until marriage?

Love Sex & Dating | Am I crazy for waiting until marriage?.

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Make a Difference and Be Remebered!

Make a Difference and Be Remebered!.

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Make a Difference and Be Remebered!

Last week I looked into rising above mediocrity and now I consider one of the important factors in making excellence a reality;

Success is when the power of your ideas remains longer after you’re long gone. What are you doing today to ensure the immortality of your mind? People are remembered for 2 things: the problems they created and the ones they solved. When people succumb to problems by becoming victims, their ability to evolve as a solution provider gets eroded. You become a victim when things are changing outside at a rate much faster than the growth within you. To overcome victim-thinking, there must be a plan for deliberate internal growth. A situation is qualified to become a problem when there’s lack of knowledge about the way forward. According to Wale Akinyemi, there are 3 vital levels of Knowledge: 1) Know yourself- If you do not not who you are, you will answer to who you are called- every lie and speculation becomes a possibility worth considering. 2) Understanding of your dream- Every dream has a demand and until you know and are ready to pay fort the demand of the dream, you will never wake up to achieve it. There’s one guarantee of continuous growth because your dream should always be above your mind, therefore, Dream Big! As your mind grows, the dream should get bigger. if your mind is greater than your dream then your best days are behind you. If your dream is linked to your past glory, then you are also on your way out.  You can know such people by their consistent talk about the good old days. If your memory is more active than your imagination, then you are also on your way out (and you’ve also grown old). It means your relevance has expired. 3) Awareness of the situation (otherwise known as Problems). The first stage in solving a problem is isolating it. The equation 3x+4= 13 is solved by isolating the term ‘x’ which is the problem  thus 3x=9 and hence x=3; Don’t generalize. No matter how messed up you may be  in an area, there’s something good about you in another area. Remember, even a broken clock is correct twice a day. Isolate your x factor so it can cease to be a problem

#Take Initiative

(The article incorporates the Wisdom of one, Wale Akinyemi, from who’s article the title is also fetched)

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Work-Life balance

More often than not we assume we know what space work should occupy in our lives.Work-Life balance is vital otherwise managing your personal and professional lives may be a nightmare by itself. No child wants a daddy or mommy who is a hero to the world yet a stranger at home;the same is true for your darling.If you listen to Kageni and ‘the Crocodile’ in the morning, this is a common complain by callers if not a cliche issue by now.Being young is good, being energetic and elegant is brilliant but managing your life is a  different thing altogether. Learn to know your limits, which you should define by yourself. Every youth should have the vigor and bravado expected of them or else they’ll be swallowed up by the traditions of mediocrity and complacency established by some who now live 6 feet under. However, this is not justification for mediocrity in your own personal life. Remember, in life we are juggling balls in our hands: work, friends and family. Work and friends are rubber-made and if they fall they can always bounce back. The latter is made of glass. If you lose family, you lose life and you may have nowhere to bounce back to. If you manage life, juggling the whole lot becomes quit easy

#Take Initiative

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Good Tips for business

#Diversity and Feedback

Diversity in business is very essential and a must-do if you are to stand the test of time. This explains why companies will venture in real estate, infrastructure, energy, private equity, service industry etc. all at the same time under one roof. Moreover, nothing compares to working with a team that is highly ambitious and self motivated which is a result of inspiration from leaders and a system that encourages proper and honest feedback from team members. You can’t risk failing to get honest feedback about a team’s performance no matter how hard it is and even changing the members;no one is indispensable and Steve Jobs knew this better; having been ousted from a company he founded. No one is too little to give feedback nor too big to be corrected.

#Take Initiative

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Rising above Mediocrity!

Rise above Mediocrity

Ever seen a ship sailing against the storms with no clear destination? Or people who fall for anything cause they have nothing they stand for? Or met the ‘lucky’ who don’t know where they are going and any path takes them there? This is absolute Mediocrity

You know you are a conspirator of mediocrity when: 1) You plan to achieve with an idea of not achieving at the back of your mind 2) You focus more on past results than what was not achieved and how to make it happen 3) You have a general feeling and attitude of complacency (and reasonable excuses at you disposal to defend yourself 4) You have a general urge to just improve rather than be excellent

If the above acts like a mirror, its time your life hits a turning point and you style up; Rise above mediocrity. Purpose to be different, rise above average and be excellent. When others are sitting, stand; when others are standing, be outstanding; when others are outstanding, be the Standard. there is always an opportunity to do things differently or otherwise do different things. You can never be heard when in the crowd

This is achievable.

Don’t lose heart: Remember, the biggest space in your life is the room for improvement.

Chukua Hatua!

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Daily dose of Insight!

Rise above Mediocrity

Ever seen a ship sailing against the storms with no clear destination? Or people who fall for anything cause they have nothing they stand for? Or met the ‘lucky’ who don’t know where they are going and any path takes them there? This is absolute Mediocrity

You know you are a conspirator of mediocrity when: 1) You plan to achieve with an idea of not achieving at the back of your mind 2) You focus more on past results than what was not aachieved and how to make it happewn 3) You have a genaral feeling and attitude of complacency (and reasonable excuses at you disposal to defend yourself 4) You have a general urge to just improve rather than be excellent

If the above acts like a mirror, its time your life hits a turning point and you style up; Rise above mediocrity. Purpose to be different, rise above average and be excellent. When others are siitng, stand; when others are standng, be outstandoing; when others are outstanding, be the Standard. there is always an opportunity to do things differently or otherwise do different things. You can never be heard when in the crowd

This is achievable.

Don’t lose heart: Remeber, the biggest space in your life is the room for improvement.

Chukua Hatua!


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